The 1st July 2012 saw the introduction of new pilot transfer arrangements as required by the International Maritime Organization (IMO). The Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) Chapter V, Regulation 23 has been amended in order to update and improve safety aspects relating to pilot transfers.
IMO Resolution A.1045(27)
IMO have requested Governments to ensure that pilot ladders, their arrangements, use and maintenance conform to standards not inferior to those set out in the annex to IMO Resolution A.1045(27). The requirements are applicable to new buildings but some requirements also apply to existing ships, a brief resume of the resolution is set out below:
• A pilot ladder should be certified by the manufacturer.
• The use of mechanical pilot hoists is now prohibited.
• Small changes to the construction of ladders including the spacing of steps, retrieval line and marking.
• Details covering the strength, material and size of ropes.
• Details covering the use of Accommodation ladders used in conjunction with pilot ladders including angle of slope, securing against the ship side and height above sea level.
• Minimum standards to ensure safe access to and from deck.
• Safe approach of the pilot boat.
• Requirements covering the installation and use of pilot ladder winch reels.
Required Boarding Arrangements for Pilot Poster
A poster outlining the standards has been developed by the International Maritime Pilots Association (IMPA) in association with the IMO. The poster has been revised to clearly show the new requirements in diagrammatic fashion.